September 18 2015 0Comment

Android 5.0 Lollipop & The New Material Design

Overview of Android 5.0 Lollipop:
After Kitkat, Google has released a new version of the Android OS i.e. Android 5.0 Lollipop. The main difference is the revised design that’s what we call material design which is not simply an aesthetic overhaul as it directly affects the way users interact with the softwares. It features a whole new set of animations, slick transitions and gesture inputs.
The New Features Brought by Lollipop:
-Notifications can be seen now in the clear tiles in the lock screen.
-Can open the address book or restart the camera with a finger gesture.
-Users can pull down the notification bar to see the preference list.
-Software buttons have been changed to basic geometric shapes.
-A new energy-saving mode has been introduced to reduce the fuel consumption to increase the running time up to 90 minutes just by having the clear vision that which app uses the most electricity.
-Over 5000 new APIs introduced for Android App Developers to exploit the possibilities.
-Can view all open apps just by a single click and can be easily scrolled as flashcards.
-“Do not disturb” mode baked into the OS to mute calls and messages in a certain time duration.
-Now, notifications allow the users to ignore or respond without intruding the current activity.
Material Design: A New Design Language
Material design is a new much bolder and functional design language for Android, Chrome and the web which is based on physical principles to make Android more vivid as well as to let the users feel quite natural with more space, more colors and more animations. Three-dimensional view and less mechanical behavior are the best parts of material design.
Android 5.0 Lollipop
Here are some fundamental innovations by which the design impresses:
1. Cards: Card serves as an entry point for complex and detailed information which may vary in width and height, but can overlap and can be connected or disconnected.
2. Animation: With animated surfaces, items and buttons, users can control over the interaction without unexpected surprises in the interaction.
3. Z-axis: Material world is a 3D-space that’s why all objects must have the Z-axis along with the X – and Y-axis. It has been aligned at right angles for depth effects.
4. Colors & Images: For developers, defined color palettes are available and color of any app can also be automatically defined as per image.
5. Layout & Grid: To create a familiar environment for the users, material design uses the layout of the basic tools from the world of print design like baseline grids and structural grids.
6. FAB: The Floating Action Button which is the main function of the page, has a high-contrast color scheme.
Thus, material design opens up opportunities to create more intuitive interactions and it’s certainly a step forward for Google, creating more effectiveness in UI.


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